We often think to look youthful we only need to focus on the face. Erase wrinkles and increase collagen, right? However, youthfulness is also seen in the body through your movement patterns.
Cardio, strength training, and flexibility are all great ways to fight the effects of aging.
Here are 5 ways exercise keeps you looking…
Your gluteus muscles are the largest and most powerful muscles in your body. They work to keep your pelvis level when you're standing, but they also work with your hamstrings to bend your hips and extend your knees.
When these muscles are weak, you may experience lower back pain, hip pain, difficulty…
Article originally published on Sixty and Me.
Pilates is a workout that helps you build full body strength and mobility, improve your posture, increase flexibility, and so much more. It’s a hidden gem in the world of exercise.
But what are the benefits of Pilates for those over 60 years old? There are…
Originaly post on Sixtyandme.com
As we age, it's important to stay active and exercise regularly. In fact, if you're over 60, exercising is one of the best ways to stay healthy and mobile. But it can also be easy to make mistakes.
Here are three common mistakes seniors make when it comes to exercise:…
Planks are a great exercise that can help strengthen your core. But did you know there are several variations of planks? And if you do them incorrectly, they might not be as helpful as intended. In this post, I'll explain the different types of planks, how they work, and what you should watch out for…
Pilates is a wonderful way to increase flexibility and strength while improving posture, balance, mobility and core stability.
Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for students to develop poor habits that can sabotage their practice before they even realize what’s happening. If you are struggling with your Pilates practice or noticing that you aren’t getting the results…
As a Pilates Instructor, I have often been asked the popular question “Is Pilates a good way to lose weight?” While Pilates by definition is not a weight loss exercise system, it still is one of the reasons clients choose to take classes with me. If you are wondering if Pilates will help you lose…
Pilates is one of the most versatile workouts, and it's an excellent way to stay fit. Pilates can be done at home or in a studio, and it's even safe for pregnant women. Still, many people don't consider Pilates as a workout option after 40 because they think it's not suitable for them. The truth…
Joseph Pilates was a very colourful character and has some entertaining points you’ll find interesting. Keep reading below as you might be surprised by a few! If you are a member of my classes or have ever tried Pilates, then you might be interested to know the man behind your movement practice–Joseph Pilates. (I sometimes…
I am often reminded of the basic Principles of Pilates when I teach online PIlates classes. They are the undercurrent of a well designed Pilates practice. It is common practice to hear some of these principles repeated throughout a class by your Pilates Instructor.
The 6 fundamental principles of…
Are you looking for a motivational tip to get you inspired? Or maybe you are determined to make this year healthier than last year? Does the cold weather just make you want to curl up in a blanket and do it tomorrow?
You aren’t the only one.
Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes…
As you get older, it’s important to stay active and maintain your health. And while aging gracefully is a goal that many of us have in mind, it’s also one that requires some work on our part. One aspect of aging that you may not be aware of is your balance—when this begins to deteriorate,…