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Before Your Next Workout, Read This Motivational Tip!

Are you looking for a motivational tip to get you inspired? Or maybe you are determined to make this year healthier than last year? Does the cold weather just make you want to curl up in a blanket and do it tomorrow?

You aren’t the only one. 

Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes it comes easy, and sometimes it seems impossible to find. If you’re struggling with motivation right now, keep reading for tips on how to keep your mind right as you work toward your goals.

Most people are good at keeping their resolutions at the beginning of the year however this declines with each passing week. One week after making their resolutions-  75% of people are still successful in keeping them. After 6 months this number drops to 46%. 

Many resolutions include a bad habit you want to break (cutting out processed food) or a change to your daily routine (new exercise program).  And to be honest, sometimes we just don’t feel like doing that workout and we just want to eat chocolate brownies or an entire loaf of homemade fresh bread for breakfast!

 I like to think of resolutions more as promises to myself and try to offer myself more flexibility in hitting my goal. Therefore I can take days off from exercising and I can eat those brownies for breakfast.  However, the key is to not do it multiple days in a row.

Staying Consistent

Consistency is most important when looking to see results in both your exercise routine and healthy eating habits. Will missing 1 workout cause you to not hit your goal?  NO. Will eating that brownie for breakfast one day cause you to gain weight? NO. 

However, making this a regular occurrence will not be the best for your health or waistline. 

It is small daily habits over the long term that set you up for success in your reaching your goals. 5 minutes of exercise is better than none, eating one more vegetable per day is better than one less and one minute of meditation is better than none. 

Once you have started a habit and it becomes routine, it is only then that you can improve on the habit. 

Celebrate Small Accomplishments

It’s important to celebrate even the smallest of wins so that you can have something to look forward to and work towards. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks or failures, instead look at them as opportunities to learn and improve.  Don’t compare yourself to others, as everyone has their own challenges in life that can make it hard for them to stay motivated too!

Don’t be afraid of failure – if you fail at something once, try again! Most people give up on their goals before they’ve given their best effort because they are afraid of embarrassment if they fail. There is no shame in failing. We ALL do it. What matters is how you deal with that failure. 

Pick yourself back up and do try again. There is no thing as perfect and this applies more than ever when starting a workout program. 

Formula for Success

How do you help yourself when you feel like you have got off track with your fitness goals? Here is my number one motivational tip and it’s a simple formula:

Complete a workout = a reward

Miss a workout = no reward

The next workout = double reward yourself

This trains you to stay consistent and rewards you for not missing 2 workouts in a row. 

It can take some time to instill a new habit. Showing yourself some compassion when you get off track is helpful. Stay consistent with your workouts but don’t forget to celebrate and reward yourself for jumping back in.  Remember, it is not a sprint but a marathon when it comes to your health.

On those days when the couch is looking more appealing than your exercise routine, always remember that there is no downside to being a better mover.

Christine Kirkland is a Certified Pilates Instructor offering online Pilates classes. She specializes in helping adults to increase their balance, strength, mobility and feel their best every day. Sign up for her newsletter where she shares best practices to move better and look leaner plus exclusive discounts to her online Pilates classes by clicking here


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